Time To Ignore The 2-Pounds Rules

HCG Injections

When you didn’t eat carbs and fruit during P2

There are times during your Phase 2 of the HCG Diet you have totally removed the Fruits and carb choices just to beat your CRAVINGS and to make P2 much easier. Now, what will happen to your end weight? Practically, you will be losing much weight without fruits and carbs on your P2 and it’s gonna be an artificially low weight.

What had happened? Removing the fruits and carbs will make your diet super low. In the end, your body will tap into your stored glycogen for energy. Glycogen is not FAT- it’s basically stored water in your muscles. So, when you go to the next phase and stabilize, your body will hold onto the glycogen and refills the lost one as quickly as possible. Naturally, your body will regain several pounds, most of which are water and glycogen. Your weight will go higher than the 2-pounds range. My advice-try to stick with the HCG Diet P2 protocol.

When you have started some exercise on P3

Exercise on P3 won’t stabilize your weight right away. Here’s why… During exercise, your muscle retains weight. When you work out and sore, your body is breaking down the muscle tissue but will rebuild it into better and stronger one. For your muscle to rebuild its tissue, it needs water. As your muscles are building up the tissue, your body has to retain extra water.

The more trained your muscle is the more it stores glycogen. So, when you go back to working out on the P3, your muscle will store water more quickly which causes you to gain more weight than someone else in P3. Staying within the 2-pounds range is quite impossible to do. Just make sure you keep out sugars and starches out of the picture.

When you have done several steak days

Your weight isn’t stabilizing no matter how many steak days you’ve made. Still, you go up higher than the 2-pounds rule. Well, just give it a go and see if you can stabilize a little bit higher than 2-pounds range. If it seems impossible to stabilize despite all your efforts, considering leaving the rule behind can be a great idea rather than doing the steak day over and over again. A steak day is essentially fasting and is NOT healthy. If you find yourself doing the steak day every other week for weeks then definitely it’s not okay. Why not leave the rule behind and go up higher, perhaps, that is the way to go.


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Time To Ignore The 2-Pounds Rules