So far, I Lost 16kgs

HCG Injections

So far, I Lost 16kgs

I am Monica, 22 years old and I have tried heaps of other defends diets, going to the gym thrice a week and it just used to drain all my energy after so long so I always stopped and just went back to how I was before I started.

When I got tired of the scenario, I found out about the HCG diet and thought that they were too good to be true. It’s my Auntie was telling me about it and how she started taking them without even having to go to the gym and waste energy. She told me that following the diet gave her more energy and motivation to do the things she wanted to do. As a result, she managed to lose 15kgs from the diet in just 4 weeks. I was inspired to get the product and thought about giving it a try. 

Upon following the protocol, I’m in my last 3 weeks and I have lost over 16kgs. I’m so happy. I feel more energetic and healthy now than I used to feel, I was writing my status on my social media page on how I was going and how much I was losing everybody was amazed at how well I was doing and also keeping up with it. 

The struggle I face when doing the diet was when I found out that I wasn’t allowed to drink. My first two weeks were okay then the next week after that was hard. It was a hot day and we had an exhausting day and all I could think about was going home and having a few cold beers and I thought to myself, no stop making yourself think like that otherwise it won’t go away and sure enough, it didn’t and by the time I got home I felt like a drink so I went to the bottle, the store got me a bottle and started to drink! And I realized, that was cheating! I stopped drinking after that and drank water for the rest of the night and the next few days. I felt so stink for just drinking that night and I said to myself “that’s it no more cheating or doing anything else while my on the diet” so I pushed myself not to like those things again that can ruin my diet. 

I’m content now with my figure and how the HCG diet helped me. I am also thankful to my friends who supported me with my journey and continue to inspire me with what I wanted to do especially when it comes to my health. To those who struggle to lose weight, the only way to lose that extra weight is HCG Injections! Try it to prove it! 

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So far, I Lost 16kgs