Used to be 95kgs and Was Bullied

HCG Injections

Used to be 95kgs and Was Bullied

My name is Patricia from Canada, I am now 23 years old and feeling a lot more comfortable with myself. I am now confident, love myself more, can do what I want, and eat healthy foods as I should. 

Growing up I was always a big girl, and for this reason, I was bullied in High School by not only girls but boys as well. These kids would say things like “Pork Chop” and mean things because I am fat. Being fat and bullied means, “I would never have a boyfriend looking like this”, and happened. 

During high school, I am 95kgs which made me very frustrated and depressed. I had no friends and thought about quitting school because I can’t handle anymore the shame I face every day. No one even cared about how I felt, because I am 95kgs! I hated going to social parties, which was a requirement for some, and doing physical education at school wherein sometimes I skip my classes. Before entering high school, my goal is to be an excellent student, to excel in everything I do, but the situation stops me from doing the things I want. Out of discouragement, I tried a diet and at some point, I thought it worked, but it gave me a strong craving and didn’t work! It didn’t give me the results I wanted. I was very depressed and upset with my body image.

Not long after this, my older brother passed away. My mom, younger sister, and I decided that we wanted a lifestyle change. We moved to another place for a fresh start. The place is where my Aunt stays and her family are. I notice that she has a big change in her image. Out of curiosity, I asked her and shared that her senior at work shared with her about the HCG Diet. I look it up online and found amazing results. I thought why not I should try it since we came here for a fresh start. Not to brag about it, but HCG Diet worked! 

In the first two weeks of the diet, I lost 12kgs right away! That motivated me to keep going! By the end of the HCG diet protocol, I had lost 28kgs. I felt like the happiest person alive, and I had so much more confidence in myself. Still, the bullying I’ve experienced made me stronger and motivated me to change. I’m so thankful that we went here and my Aunt helped me to change my body image and even my lifestyle, especially the foods that I’m eating because the diet is a 500-calorie diet. HCG Diet Protocol is a must-try! 

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Used to be 95kgs and Was Bullied