A Weight Loss Protocol That’s So Easy to Follow

HCG Injections

A Weight Loss Protocol That’s So Easy to Follow

I have tried so many diets with the aim of losing weight but failed just like countless others and for countless reasons. The HCG Diet is different among the rest. It’s truly an amazing weight loss program as I was able to lose weight. It was, in fact, easy for me to shed those unwanted kilos. It’s good to know too, that a diet like this actually works just like what it says. Just add some discipline coupled with support and you will truly achieve your weight loss goal.

When I started the program I was weighing 232.14 pounds at 5’6”. Now after 2 rounds with a break between each round, I weigh 188.64 pounds. I lost a total of 43.50 pounds. I used to wear oversized clothing to hide away my hip rolls now I wear size 16-18 from size 18-22. I have heard about the HCG diet from a friend in high school when I attended a reunion last December of 2019. I remember how excited she was when she talked about the HCG Diet. I was curious though- that I keep on asking myself right then and there how such a diet can be so effective and if what she told us was actually true.

The following day, I researched about the HCG Diet thing and found it to be unbelievably true. I have read success stories and mind you, there were hundreds of them and honestly, I find them interesting. Perhaps the diet actually works. My curiosity has led me to click the “add to cart” button of an online HCG shop. The next thing I knew, my order was right in front of my doorstep. Everything that I need for a month protocol is in the box. All is set except for me being ready. It took me about two weeks after before I finally gave it a go. I have read the protocols carefully and have listed all the foods allowed on a journal. 

Taking the plunge

I did 2 rounds of the 23-day protocol. At first, I was kind of scary but as days go by I find myself eventually enjoying the diet. I thought eating 500 calories a day seems next to impossible but I felt clear and a lot calmer eating the HCG Diet approved foods. I thought I won’t be able to survive without cheeses and bread and pasta a day, but I was able to reach the end of 23 days protocol without getting my hands to any of my comfort foods.

What do I like most about this diet?

Losing a good amount of weight with the HCG Diet is truly amazing. I am so overwhelmed that after jumping from one diet to another, I finally came across something that I can say really works.  With the HCG Diet, I was able to lose a total of 43.50 pounds in just two short rounds. Aside from getting my shape and confidence back, the HCG diet has a lot to offer. Here’s what I like most about this diet:

  • It’s simple and so easy to follow! You get 2 meals a day. In each meal, you’ve got to eat approximately 100 grams or 3.5 ounces of HCG diet-friendly protein (leanest meat possible, trimmed of all fats, and fish). All proteins must be weighed raw. You also got to eat one veggie option (there are so many veggies allowed), 1 fruit, and 1 carb (either a grissini stick or a melba toast). For breakfast, you choose between teas of a coffee with one tablespoon of milk then sweetened with Stevia. Now if I don’t feel like eating the fruit or the carb option during the meal, I reserve them for snacks.
  • No headaches, no cravings, and hunger. I have tried doing a low-calorie diet without the hormone before but it only took me 5 days to throw the white flag up. Day 1 was fine and day 2. Day 3 to 5, I barely have enough energy to go home from work. I was having headaches. I was so hungry and I felt nauseated.
  • No counting of calories and points. It’s not time-consuming, not tedious nor complicated, unlike other diet programs.
  • I don’t need a diet coach to facilitate me every week nor do I have to go to the weight loss clinic every day to have my shot. I do not have to pay for nutritionist nor dietician too because the protocol is so easy to follow.
  • Not costly unlike the previous diet programs that I’ve tried. One month kit for the HCG diet only costs around $140. It comes with 1 vial of pharma grade HCG hormone, BAC water, and everything you need to get you back in shape.
  • Lots of mouth-watering recipes available online. They are so easy to follow just like the protocol itself.
  • I have learned how to portion my foods properly, taught me how to eat healthily which can be very beneficial for me after the diet. The diet has changed my thinking about foods.

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