Surviving the Holidays on the HCG Diet

HCG Injections

How many holiday parties are you planning to attend this year?  If you’re like most people, you’ll probably have quite a few on your calendar.

Holidays can be the most difficult time of the year for dieters. It’s kind of tough for anyone trying to be healthy and fit! It can also be so frustrating when you’re surrounded by constant food temptations at this time of year. Whether you are at work or attending a holiday party, receiving a platter of holiday cookies or a glass of wine- the temptation to pick the wrong food is almost overwhelming. The effects of choosing the wrong kind of foods and overeating can ultimately sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Before the season really gets going, let’s take a few minutes to make a plan.

For those who are still doing the very low-calorie diet:

  • The protocol is quite simple and easy to follow and you know exactly what to do, what and what not to eat.
  • Since you are not allowed to just eat anything being served on the Christmas party table, focus on people and not on foods. Remember that the Holiday season is about spending time with loved ones. So, let’s celebrate and focus on what’s really important in life. Enjoy.
  • Being heading out to the party venue, see if you can find out the holiday menu to serve. If the menu goes against the protocol, why not bring your food? Treat yourself with a more expensive entrée like fillet or crab. Heat and serve your phase 2 meal at the Christmas party table.
  • Cook some chicken with a side of savory. Choose the leanest cut and make sure to remove any excess fat before cooking them.
  • To celebrate without feeling deprived, spend extra time, and effort in your food preparation. For example, instead of eating a whole orange, cut up a ½ orange with ½ cup of strawberries in a fancy dessert dish.
  • Sip some sparkling water with lemon or hot teas at holiday parties.
  • Pack some apple slices dusted with cinnamon for a snack when you get hungry.
  • If you can’t help but indulge during this holiday season, have a planned interruption on phase 2. Stop dieting for 3 days or 72 hours then get back on track after the planned interruption. You will definitely gain weight during planned interruption but many HCG dieters choose this plan rather than missing out on a very special occasion.

For those who are in phase 3:

  • Avoid sugar and starches by all means. During phase 3, your body’s metabolism resets, so it’s crucial that you stay true to the protocol. You may still be able to enjoy holiday favorites without sugar and carbs.
  • For dessert, treat yourself with sugar-free whipped creamy fruity salad. Use whipped cream flavored with vanilla and sweetened with stevia on fresh fruits. Throw in some almonds or walnuts and you’ll have a delightful treat.
  • Don’t show up at holiday parties on an empty stomach to avoid eating everything in sight. Eat a healthy snack and drink plenty of fluids beforehand.
  • Don’t choose a seat next to the party table.
  • If you are asked to bring a dish, well, prepare a healthy, and HCG diet-friendly one. Take fresh green beans instead of green bean casserole.
  • Skip any foods swimming in creamy and heavy sauces.
  • Stick to finger foods of fresh veggies and fruits. Avoid creamy dips and go for yogurt or fat-free sour cream with a splash of lemon juice.
  • If there are different plate sizes served on the table, choose the small one and you know why for sure.
  • Scan the buffet table first and map it out in your mind before you load your plate.
  • Go heavy on salad, roasted turkey, and fresh veggies but go light on things that are creamy and saucy.
  • Take small portions and enjoy every bite. The most intense enjoyment comes from the first bite.
  • Chew your foods longer than normal to trick your brain into thinking that you’ve eaten more. Savor each bite.
  • Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not when you are stuffed.
  • Be careful with all drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks can be full of calories and sugar, and alcoholic drinks also contain calories and sugar. Both can blunt inhibitions and trigger overeating.

Above all, celebrate this special time of the year. Always remember that the most important part of the holiday is spending time with your loved ones.

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