HCG Diet: When and How to Stop Early

HCG Injections

The HCG diet is most effective when you follow the protocols properly. You load for two days followed by at least 21 days of restricted calorie intake with the administration of HCG injection. You can also lengthen your time restricting your calorie intake just as long as it shouldn’t be shorter than 23 days. 23 days is the minimum required number of days on the protocol or else you may not be able to stabilize your weight.

However, there are times when you need to stop the HCG diet protocol earlier than expected due to:

  • Injuries
  • No HCG available or your kit hasn’t arrived on time
  • Pregnancy
  • Some other unexpected interruptions that could sabotage your weight loss result.

You may find that you have to cut your round short before you even have the chance to complete the 23 doses of HCG injections. In the event that you cannot complete the 23 doses, there are some steps that you can take to avoid regaining weight rapidly. However, there is no guarantee you’ll keep all the progress you’ve made.

How to stop the protocol early

Step 1: Let your doctor know. If you’ve consulted to one. Your doctor will instruct you on how to wean off the HCG injection.

Step 2: If you haven’t consulted with an HCG diet doctor, the most that you can do is to transition into the maintenance phase as if you have finished your round. OR continue eating a low-calorie diet just like when you are doing the HCG diet but without the HCG injection. Make sure you avoid eating anything with fats or oil for the first 72 hours as there can still be HCG running in your system.

Step 3: Avoid any form of starches and sugar for the next three weeks. Restricting your carbohydrate and sugar intake may help you avoid unwanted weight gain because weight gain is very common after you restrict your calorie intake. Focus on eating whole foods. You can incorporate good fats like olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut during these three weeks as this can help you feel fuller longer. After three weeks, you can slowly add healthy carbohydrates and whole grains like whole-wheat bread, pasta back into your diet.

Step 4: During the three weeks, gradually increase your portion sizes. It’s not necessary to count any grams of foods anymore, but for weight control, it’s important to remember portion sizes.

  • Grains: ½ cup (80 grams of cooked pasta, rice)
  • Vegetables: 1 cup (1 cup of vegetables is equivalent to 2 cups of leafy greens and 1 cup of raw vegetables)
  • Fruits: 1 cup, one-quarter cup of dried fruits or nut (35 grams)
  • Protein: 3 ounces of lean meat, seafood, or poultry, 1 egg or 2 egg whites, ½ ounce of unsalted nuts, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • Dairy products: 1 cup (equivalent to 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 2 ounces of processed cheese, or 1 ½ ounce of natural cheese like cheddar

Step 5: Exercise. Take a 10-minute walk each day and work your way up to 30 minutes per day. You may want to include strength training two to three times per week to increase lean muscle mass and to burn more calories.

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