Reversing Weight Gain after Holiday Season

HCG Injections

Overeating after the holiday season? No problem! When the holiday season comes, most of us tend to loosen the reign. Holiday season is a season with a full blast of foods in your kitchen table, too many oily foods, pasta, cake slices and alcoholic beverages showering around each corner. Now that holiday season is over you are left with additional weight to lose. Gaining weight during the holiday season is easy but losing them can be hard.

After a month of shovelling on holiday goodies, it’s time for a quick fix. Thankfully, there are tons of ways that you can do so you can lose those additional weights, get back on the healthy weight track without many efforts. You can find many weight loss programs that pop up on your internet at this time of the year but mind you, some of them are not only bogus, they’re not also very healthy, unlike the HCG Diet.

Reversing weight gain with the HCG Diet

Losing weight after the holiday season takes proper planning, consistency, exercise habit, and lifestyle change. Stick with your New Year resolution and on top of that, try some of the tricks below to reverse your holiday weight gain. Start working your way in achieving a beach body before spring and summer.

  • Continue with your diet– If you have had an HCG Diet planned break, resume with your diet.  If you have had your break in the middle of the very low calorie diet, decide when to go back with your diet. Continue following the HCG Diet phase 2 food list again and resume with your daily shot of the hormone as normal. Continue until you have completed the 21 consecutive non-cheating days on the HCG Diet.

If you have had your break in the middle of the maintenance phase, decide when to go back to dieting. Resume with the maintenance phase as normal until you have completed the entire phase. If you are off HCG less than 2 weeks, just go back on track without reloading. However, if you have had your planned break for more than 2 weeks, you need to reload back.

If you are new to the HCG Diet, it’s probably one of the most effective ways to reverse holiday weight gain. The HCG Diet is designed to help you lose weight quickly, about a pound each day safely and healthily. You can get started at any time as long as you are physically, emotionally and mentally ready.

  • Manage your false hunger– Binging on unhealthy carbs and sugar can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate wildly after 24 hours. This causes false hunger and a powerful desire to eat more carbs or sugar. Learn how to manage your false hunger. Sip on some coffee or go for a walk. Keep yourself busy and forget about the foods.
  • Start exercising– This New Year is a perfect time to get started exercising. Exercising won’t quickly get rid of your excess weight but it can go a long way to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. At the same time, exercise can help you burn excess calories. Exercising is a good idea but it doesn’t take the place of healthy diets such as the HCG Diet.
  • Avoid unhealthy carbohydrates– I know you still have some holiday carb foods in your fridge but try cutting them out now. The HCG Diet recommends that you avoid unhealthy starch and sugar even if you are off the diet. Reduce unhealthy carbs like pasta, bread, desserts and other foods that can cause weight gain. Reducing unhealthy carb intake is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. You don’t have to get rid of healthy carbs from veggies, fruits, and some legumes.
  • Get rid of drinks high in calories– Start reducing your calorie intake to help you reverse your weight gain. You can do this when you stop drinking anything that contains calories. This includes soda, juice, alcoholic beverages and any other drinks flavored with corn syrup and sugar. Stick with water or unsweetened carbonated water.
  • Reduce your portion sizes- Reducing your portion size can help you eat less at every meal. Try reducing your portion to 1/3 of your normal meal. There are many ways to help you reduce your portion one of which is to use smaller plates. Another way is to measure the amount of calories before you serve a meal. Figure out the number of calories you should be consuming each day and be careful about the calorie intake in each meal.
  • More water- Drink plenty of water. It’s one of the certain ways to lose weight. When you drink plenty of water, you’ll find that you’re less likely to eat and you are more in control of your appetite.  Drinking more water will keep you from eating too much in between meals or snacking.
  • Avoid late-night snacks– Don’t eat during late evenings because this can definitely make you gain weight. Towards the end of the day, your metabolism starts to slow down and when you eat after dinner, you will likely put on weight because your body won’t have the opportunity to burn them. Your best bet is snacking on nuts or a piece of fruit that isn’t high in carbohydrates. Stay away from coffee as it can keep you awake for hours. 


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Reversing Weight Gain after Holiday Season