The HCG Diet is Worth the Money

HCG Injections

The HCG Diet is Worth the Money

I’m yet another person who had tried everything and anything but nothing really works for me. I have tried every known diet, diet pills, and exercise to lose weight, but they just don’t work. I am 36, a relatively new mom of 4 and 2 years old. After my last pregnancy, I’ve gained a lot of weight. I gained a total of 45 pounds. All the weight literally settles in my stomach and around my hips and I couldn’t lose them. I have no energy to chase my two growing kids and I feel pain everywhere.

How I came to know the HCG Diet

A friend told me about the HCG diet that her sister is currently doing, so I checked into it. I was skeptical at first, but after trying the HCG Diet, I was so amazed at how my weight melted off. Before ordering HCG online I decided to get an HCG injections from a doctor for $900 per round. But before I head to the clinic I made my own research and found that I can actually get the kit for only $120 and ended up taking the chance. I have an extra $780 in my pocket. A month later, I have lost more weight than those who got the shot from the clinic. After 3 rounds on the protocol, I can say it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me besides the birth of my two wonderful children.

I started the HCG Diet in January 2015 weighing 215 pounds. After 3 rounds I’m down 73 pounds. I feel great and I have more energy to go around and chase after my two kids. My outlook on life is so much brighter. My skin is clear; I have no pain and no aches. I feel great and have been told that I look great. The diet has changed my thinking about foods. I have gone to choose my food carefully. I know what to look for such as no sugar and no starch.  I am a much happier person and I thank the HCG diet for that. It’s kind of funny how weight loss can actually change how you perceive everything.

Before I started doing the HCG Diet, I was wearing a size 20 clothes, and I was mad. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. I was feeling miserable and desperate. I decided it was time for a change. After jumping from one diet protocol to another, I finally came to know something that really works. The HCG Diet was my lifesaver. I went from size 20 to size 10 after doing 3 long rounds. I love my new shape. I was sad though because I have to let go of all the old clothes for they now fall off me.

The protocol

The protocol was so easy to follow and I have zero issues with staying on the plan. The plan is doable and the foods are mouth-watering. You just have to look for the right recipes online which I did but with a twist. I have no issues doing the 500 calorie diet. I have never experienced any hunger pains. My advice, stick to the protocol and all will be well. No cheating. The hormone really did a great job in sculpting my body, burning all the fats where it needs to lose. I have zero side effects, all positive.

The HCG Diet is much different from any other diets known to man. It’s safe because the hormone is all-natural. Therefore, you will lose weight naturally without compromising the muscle. The HCG diet allows you to burn problem areas where you needed to lose. Both men and women can do the HCG diet with equal safety and effectiveness.

I noticed that the more you buy HCG online the more you save. So, I rounded up a bunch of my family including my mother, sister-in-law, and some friends so we could order in bulk and get a better deal, which we did. And we got an extra 5000 iu bottle for every bottle we order. The diet protocol is worth the money. The result we each got is incomparable. Personally, I have never encountered such a great diet before.  So many people have asked me “HOW” and I just write down the website and hand it to them.

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