The Science of Fat Cell and How They are Deposited in the Body

HCG Injections

Fat cells, also known as lipocytes are cells that primarily compose of adipose tissue. Their main function is to hold on to lipids. Fat cells are often seen as the enemy. Something that everyone wants to avoid but actually, they are a crucial component of the body. Without it, the human body would freeze. Doctors used to think of adipose tissue as little bags of energy, but with increasing research, it can do a lot more from regulating nutrient and even releasing hormones that influence blood pressure, thyroid function, and even fertility.

Fat cells are an excellent vessel for calories, the fuel that powers the body. Your body can hold as many calories in the same amount as fat. However, if you consume more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. The excess calories are stored throughout your body as fat, within the fat cells, either by enlarging them or by creating more of them. Too much adipose tissue leads to obesity. Obesity leads to a number of health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. When you try to lose weight, your fat cells never disappear. They simply shrink in size, ready to swell again with excess energy.

Fat accumulation in certain areas of the body

The fat deposit in the body is not at all random. It does not only depend on age but gender as well primarily because of the different hormones and hormonal levels. In females, fat accumulates mostly in problem areas like the thigh, buttocks, and pelvis. Men, store fats around the mid-section resulting in the development of belly fats.

Hormones do influence how fat is stored in your body, but they cannot change where it is stored. Your body can only store fat in areas where fat cells already exist. When you store fat in those fat cells, they expand, and when you lose weight the cells shrink again.

Common areas of fat deposition

  • Abdomen: Fat deposits in the mid-section. Both men and women will develop fat in this area but men have the biggest issues compared with women.
  • Thigh: It’s more prevalent in women than men. The inner thigh of women has more fat cell deposits than men.
  • Arms: Due to lack of muscles, women tend to store more fat readily in this area compared to men. Fat deposit in this area can become a serious issue later in life.
  •  Buttocks: Men and women can store fat in this area. Women can store it more readily than men. The three muscles here are very important for running strength and stamina.

How the HCG Diet burns belly fat?

The HCG Diet burn abnormal fats. It’s proven to result in fat loss by targeting the excess fats without losing the muscle mass. The HCG Diet uses the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone to release excess fats in combination with a very low-calorie diet. It works permanently in reducing fat cells and reducing the risk of developing health problems like heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more.

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