Losing 41 Pounds and Counting!

HCG Injections

Losing 41 Pounds and Counting!

I have always struggled with my weight and I have tried so many diets over the years but have gotten nowhere. The HCG Diet has helped me to not only lose weight healthily but to develop a healthy eating routine. My journey to better health has been made so much easier with the HCG Diet.

How I started the diet

When I heard about the HCG Diet, I was not sure and decided to google and read about it. I also asked my colleagues about it, and they told me that it’s a diet that lets you lose a pound each day. They don’t know many details about the HCG Diet, so I decided to make further research. I even watched videos about how they prepare the hormone and how they do the injection thing. I also downloaded the Pounds and Inches of Dr. Simeons. After all the research, I finally decided to give the HCG diet a try. I ordered a month’s kit, and I am so glad that it comes with everything I need including the insulin injections, alcohol pads, and even vitamin B12. And not to forget the price- it’s very affordable.

Round 1

I started with the HCG Diet 3 months ago and I have lost 29 pounds on a 46-day protocol without any exercises whatsoever. The diet shows result in less than 3 days and my body has transformed in an incredible way after the protocol. Each time I see the number on the scale drop, the more I become motivated. The fat is melting away and everyone around me noticed that changes. The diet was doable and very easy to follow. There are so many recipes online for you to choose from as well.

The hormone is working really well in curbing down my appetite and cravings. I was never hungry in this diet and I’ve got to eat real foods.

I am so happy to say that after two weeks of using the shot, I was able to eat healthily, and I have control over my foods and my cravings. I feel so good about myself, so much better and I have more energy. Currently, I am on my second round, week two, and have lost another 12 pounds. I know I am on the road to a better, healthier me and I have no regrets at all. I will continue doing this program until I reach my goal weight of losing another 20 plus pounds before summer starts. Looking forward to it. I can’t wait to get on a new pair of bikinis this summer.

Real result, real change

HCG Diet is very impressive and I have seen real results right away. With the HCG Diet, you will not only lose weight but you’ll be making a real change. If you are looking for something that works, this diet is what you are looking for. I have lost a total of 41 pounds and counting and I would recommend this diet a hundred percent!

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