How To Maintain Your Weight After the HCG Diet

HCG Injections

Well done! Now you’re on another exiting yet challenging phase, maintaining your hard-earned weight loss.

After putting in the effort and dedication, it’s important to have a plan in place to sustain your weight loss for the long term, but how do you do that? How do you ensure that you maintain your hard-earned results in the long run?

Managing your Weight after HCG Diet

To maintain your weight, gradually add small amounts of food containing minimal amounts of sugar and starch to your diet. You should eat healthy foods and avoid junk food that contains empty calories. Don’t skimp on meals and consume nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. You will be able to digest what you eat without storing fat if you eat three moderately balanced meals a day. 

eating healthy meal

Helpful Tips to Maintain Your Weight After HCG Diet

  1. Gradually increase your calorie intake. The purpose of a gradual increase in calorie intake is to avoid confusing your body. Start by adding 200 calories per day for the first week and continue to increase it until you start consuming 1500 calories per day. 
  2. Get back to your normal diet routine. After the diet, you can gradually reintroduce sugar and starchy foods. Begin with low carbs and low fats and work your way up to everything in moderation. During this phase of reintroducing low-carb and low-fat diets, your weight must be regularly watched. 
  3. Follow an exercise routine. During the maintenance phase, incorporating at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise is needed to maintain the weight. You can begin by exercising three days each week, dividing the time as you see fit. Cardio and resistance exercises are commonly recommended, but choose activities if you want to keep it mild.

Best Weight Loss Exercises

You can start your morning exercise after a cup of coffee to shake off negative vibes. You can do light exercises 2 to 4 times each week. The best exercise to maintain your weight loss are:

  1. Cycling. This will help you in maintaining the firmness of your muscle. Biking can burn calories and help in shaping your waist. 
  2. Jogging or running.  This is allowed in minimal duration. It can help in burning calories and suppress your appetite.
  3. Walking. This is a simple way of burning calories. It preserves your lean muscle and raises your metabolism. 
  4. Yoga. It is effective in stress management and lowers the risk of stress eating. It will develop your mindfulness which is important during your HCG diet. This is also helpful in maintaining your cardio health. 

How to Avoid Being Tempted to Overeat?

pouring bottled water in glass
Fight Bad Breath
  1. Stay full for the entire day. This does not mean that you have to eat all the time. Staying full throughout the day is having the right choice of food that will keep you full all day. You can also maintain your fullness by spacing your meals for the entire day. You can split your 500-calorie meal into 5 portions. 
  2. Cook and prepare the exact food portion. Try to limit the amount of food that you will cook during the HCG diet. Cook and store the foods that you may need for the entire day. This will make you something to grab when you are hungry. Thus, avoid prolonged hunger. Prolonged hunger is one of the reasons why you overeat. 
  3. Do not skip your meals. Skipping meals can undoubtedly cause you to eat too much in the next meal. This is because it causes extreme hunger and triggers cravings. Skipping your meals can cause nutritional deficiency and may affect your weight loss. 
  4. Maintain hydration. Hydration takes off food toxins and chemicals that will trigger your cravings. Water helps in curbing hunger and cravings. You can also choose foods that are high in water content. It will help in cleansing your system of unhealthy food chemicals. 
  5. Use a smaller plate and eat slowly. Overeating usually happens when you use large plates. You will subconsciously fill it up to its large capacity. To avoid such a situation you have to use a small plate so your meal. Have a portion of lean meat, vegetable, and fruits on your small plates. 
  6. Choose the right foods. Overeating is also because of your food choices especially when you eat highly processed foods. Highly processed foods are also appetite boosters which causes you to gain weight because of overeating. Choose the right food choices during the HCG diet. 

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How To Maintain Your Weight After the HCG Diet