How Fat Cells are Deposited in the Body?

HCG Injections

Fat cells are present in our body from the moment we are born. It stores fat and store lipids as well as complex carbohydrates for the later use of energy. Medically called adipocytes, these cells form a tissue known as adipose found over nearly every square inch of our body. 

When you reach a certain age, you will not see an increase in fat cells, but your fat cells will expand when fat is deposited. This is why maintaining the results of the HCG diet is so critical, since the fat you lose will only return over time without proper care and diligence.

How Does Fat Accumulate In the Body?

Fats enter the body in this structure as food but are required to break up into their individual parts to pass through the body’s digestive wall. As they leave the digestive tract, the triglycerides are converted into triglycerides, before being broken down by fat cells and muscle cells to allow fatty acids and glycerol to enter the cell.

Hormones do regulate how fat is stored, but, they do not change where it can be stored. Note that the body doesn’t only store fat directly from food, as the liver makes further fats from proteins and carbohydrates. It is because of these additional fats that fat cells can store energy, which is the reason why a low-fat diet may not necessarily lead to weight loss.

Fat Cells
  • Common Areas of Concern for Fat Deposition 
  • Arms –Fat deposits usually occur in the triceps area and can become a serious issue later in life. 
  • Buttocks – this muscle is the largest one in the body and the most important for stamina and running strength. Both men and women can store fat here, however, women store it more readily in this area than men. 
  • Abdomen – abdominal fat is stored around the mid-section. Women will develop fat in this region almost as readily as men, but men have the biggest issues in this region.
  • Thighs –fat in the thighs is another part that is more predominant for fat storage in women than men. Inner thighs specifically have much larger fat cell deposits in women than men.
  • Knee – the knee region may seem to be an unlikely spot to store fat, but in women, it is more common and can be a problem in the long term to get rid of fat stored here.

HCG Diet as An Effective Way To Reduce Fat Deposits

Fat deposition can result in weight gain and obesity. The more you go through this cycle, gaining weight and then losing it, the more difficult it is to get motivated for the long run. A proven weight loss program like HCG must make headway in this regard. A major issue of people trying to lose weight is their hormones fighting back.

How Does the HCG Works?

Studies have shown that HCG, a naturally occurring hormone found in pregnant women, provides a direct link to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for appetite and metabolism. HCG diet program has been designed to combat that. The hormone in HCG injections increases metabolism and helps burn fat from key areas of the body, especially in areas with large deposits of fat. This allows a person to go on a diet, without experiencing many of the problems with reduced weight loss over time and uneven fat loss. 

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How Fat Cells are Deposited in the Body?