Maintaining Your Weight After HCG Diet: Tips for Phase 4

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Phase 4 is also known as the maintenance phase of the HCG diet. The goal of this phase is not about cutting your calorie intake but about maintaining your weight loss for the rest of your life. Phase 4 has no calorie restrictions, but it still demands eating discipline as it is when you will gradually introduce carbs and sugar back into your system. 

Introduce Starch and Sugar to Your Diet Slowly

To maintain your weight, gradually add small amounts of food containing minimal amounts of sugar and starch to your diet. You should eat healthy foods and avoid junk food that contains empty calories. Stay away from sodas and those that you can buy from fast food chains.

eating sweets

What Should I Do to Maintain the Weight After HCG Diet?

Congratulations on completing the HCG diet and achieving your weight loss goals! Now that you’ve reached your desired weight, the next step is to maintain it. It’s essential to remember that maintaining your weight loss requires commitment and discipline. Here are 5 tips on what you can do to maintain your weight after the HCG diet:

  1. Gradually increase your calorie intake. The purpose of a gradual increase in calorie intake is to avoid confusing your body. Start by adding 200 calories per day for the first week. Then increase it until you start consuming 1500 calories per day. 
  2. Calculate Your Calorie Limit. To maintain your weight, you need to know your calorie limit. Calculate your calorie limit by taking your weight and multiplying it by 11 for females and 12 for males to get the number of calories you need per day. This number may vary depending on your activity level. So, it is important to be aware of how many calories you are consuming.
  3. Get back to your normal diet routine. After the weight loss period, you can finally add back sugar and some starchy foods. Start with low carbs and low fats and keep everything in moderation. Monitor your weight regularly. In case of weight gain, cut back on the levels for a few weeks until your body’s metabolism is fully reset. 
  4. Don’t Skimp on Meals and Consume Nutritious Foods.  Eat three moderately balanced meals a day. Include nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. You will be able to digest what you eat without storing fat if you eat well-balanced meals.
  5. Follow an exercise routine. During the maintenance phase, incorporate at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise. You can begin by working out three days a week, dividing the time as you see fit. Cardio and resistance exercises are usually recommended but if you want to keep it moderate then choose activities.

Phase 4 of the HCG diet is crucial for maintaining the weight loss achieved in the earlier phases. It requires a disciplined approach to gradually reintroduce carbs and sugar into your diet while continuing to eat healthy, nutritious foods and avoiding junk food.

By gradually increasing your calorie intake, monitoring your weight, and following an exercise routine, you can successfully maintain your weight loss and live a healthy, balanced life. Remember, the key is moderation and consistency, so stick to your plan and stay committed to your goals.

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